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Programs and Ministries / Kingswood|youth


Youth Ministry at Kingswood UMC

Kingswood UMC Youth Ministry exists
to make life-long disciples of Jesus
who deeply love God and all people.


Doing Life together – Our youth ministry is a group of teenagers as well as caring adults who come together to enjoy life together. Sometimes life is good, and sometimes it’s rough, but we come together to laugh, love, learn, play, sometimes cry, and always be there for each other. Life isn’t easy, and being real with each other isn’t easy either, but that’s what we’re about.

Safe place to be – Safety is a priority at Kingswood Youth. All of our environments, events, programs, and retreats are staffed with caring adults who understand boundaries and safety issues specific to adolescence. Often school and sometimes even the home can be a rough environment for many teenagers. We expect the church to be the safest, most loving, healthy environment in our community. Your youth can expect to be loved and encouraged by our adults and other students, not put down or rejected.

Trusting Jesus – Everything we do is geared towards inviting all of our students and adults to trust Jesus with every part of their lives. However, we don’t try to “talk people into” following Jesus. We respect each student wherever they may be in their journey. Every student is welcome and respected regardless of their willingness or ability to believe in God, the Bible, or Jesus. We simply want to make our way of life and our beliefs about God available by what we teach and attractive by the way we live.

Discovering God in the Scriptures – “We believe God inspired the authors of the Bible by his Spirit to speak to all generations of believers, including us, today. God calls us to immerse ourselves in this authoritative narrative individually and communally to faithfully interpret and live out that story today as we are led by the Spirit of God.” We believe that teenagers can learn to read and interpret the Scriptures faithfully. We meet each student where they are and help them to grow in their understanding of the Scriptures in hopes that they will decide to immerse themselves in God’s Word, trust Him, and obey Him.

Changing the world – We believe that as followers of Jesus we are invited to bring His Kingdom to every part of our world. Our youth are encouraged to discover their gifts and talents and use them to change the world, starting right where they are. We were created to live for something larger than ourselves.

How do I get plugged in to Kingswood Youth? Come visit one of our WEEKLY PROGRAMS, or better yet, give us a call (770-457-1317) and we’ll arrange for one of our student or adult leaders to meet you before the program starts. Hope to see you soon!  Click here for program information...


revised: May 29, 2009

Kingswood United Methodist Church
5015 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, Georgia 30338 • 770.457.1317 tel
© 1996-2006 Kingswood United Methodist Church